by dhw, Sunday, September 10, 2023, 11:42 (528 days ago) @ David Turell

dhw: I'm flying off to Bonnie Scotland
For rehearsals of one of my plays,
So there'll be another silence from me
For six or seven days.

But David will find some five star pieces
To fill the empty page,
While I sit watching my five star cast
Fill the empty stage.

My thanks in advance to David.

DAVID: A revival of a play is a momentous occasion.

dhw: Thank you once more for keeping things going
While I was up and away.
A case of David Turell at work,
And dhw at play!

I shall be away again later this month for the actual production.

DAVID: Will the play be videoed?

Sadly not. It's a small, very intimate venue, with the audience surrounding the stage.

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