dhw's obsession with 'humans plus food'; current studies (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Monday, March 27, 2023, 19:19 (488 days ago) @ David Turell

Our huge population depends on more than just food:


"The global population will peak at 8.6 billion in 2050 and decline to 7 billion by 2100 if current trends continue. That is the projection of a model developed as part of an initiative from the Club of Rome non-profit organisation, and it is 2 to 3 billion less in 2100 than other recent forecasts.

"This Earth4All model, created to explore which policies would deliver the most good for the majority of people, also suggests that if the world invested in a “Giant Leap” to reduce poverty and inequality, the world population would peak at around 8.5 billion people in 2040 and decline to 6 billion by the end of the century.


“'The population is not the only part,” says Collste. “It’s what people do, how they do it and how much they do it.”

“'The population is not the only part,” says Collste. “It’s what people do, how they do it and how much they do it.”


"The Earth4All model is more complex and includes environmental, economic and social factors – such as food production, income, taxes, energy and inequality – and the feedback loops between these factors. It also incorporates the expected impacts of global warming and uses GDP per person as a proxy for educational attainment and access to contraceptives.


"To achieve its faster Giant Leap decline in the total number of people, the Club of Rome initiative is calling for a push to improve well-being for everyone on the planet.

"This would involve: reducing poverty by investing trillions of dollars in green jobs and cancelling debt; reducing inequality by raising taxes on richer people; improving gender equality by ensuring more women get a better education; promoting diets that are healthier and greener; and electrifying everything that can be electrified and generating that electricity from renewable sources."

Comment: support of such a large population is much more than the isolated problem of food. It is the limited water supply at this time as well as the problems listed in this study. It what God gave to us in the huge bush of life and what we can do for each other.

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