Politics and science; is science being corrupted? (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Sunday, February 07, 2010, 15:05 (5199 days ago) @ dhw

> One of the scandals I'd mentioned earlier concerned an IPCC report, based on a report by the WWF, that a slight reduction in rainfall could reduce the Amazon rainforest by up to 40%. In last week's Sunday Times there was an article claiming that scientists condemned the WWF paper as being inaccurate and unsubstantiated. Today, the same newspaper has published letters from the Chief Executive of the WWF and from a co-author of the original report, insisting that not only are their figures correct, but their work has also been peer-reviewed and is based on sound evidence collated by respected scientists.
> So who are we to believe? -I've got your answers. Follow the honest climate blogs: "Climate audit" and "Watts up with that".-A fellow named A. Agoumi, a fellow who works in carbon credits (!) wrote a piece for a Canadian evironmental advocacy group; fully discredited with references in the following blog:-http://eureferendum.blogspot.com/2010/02/and-now-for-africagate.html REported by Dr. Richard North, an investigative journalist-This is a conspiracy. The rule is always to 'follow the money'. Carbon credits is another term for money. It has been reliably reported: Al Gore has made billions so far!

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