Early embryology; glial cell guidance (Introduction)

by dhw, Saturday, September 02, 2017, 12:58 (2639 days ago) @ David Turell

DAVID: In fruit flies glial cells guide connecting neural connections to the brain:

DAVID’S comment: Embryology must follow a plan. How did evolution develop those plans for reproduction? This is a major question current theory does not answer, because there is so much biochemical signaling that is used to guide the production and migration of newly minted cells. Embryology requires design, and is the best argument for God I can find.

Thank you for yet another eye-opening article. I agree that such complexities are the best arguments for your God. If he does exist, the question whether he preprogrammed them all 3.8 billion years ago, personally dabbled them, or created a mechanism enabling organisms to work out their own developments remains wide open.

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