Oxygen research; one type cyanobacteria source (Introduction)

by dhw, Tuesday, April 04, 2017, 12:26 (2586 days ago) @ David Turell

QUOTE: "Cyanobacteria are planetary-scale engineers, capable of splitting water. They invented the most challenging chemistry on the face of the planet. We would love to be able to do their water-splitting chemistry as effortlessly as they do to make fuels, and these guys figured out how to do it two and a half billion years ago," Fischer says."

David's comment: One might assume that this mutation, as a one-of, was a direct intervention by God to create the oxygen-rich atmosphere we have today.

dhw: Alternatively one might assume, as Fischer does, that these guys figured out how to do it.

DAVID: The chemistry with quantum effects is very complex. not by chance!

If these guys figured it out for themselves, to quote Fischer, it was not by chance. Maybe your God gave them the intelligence to figure it out. You keep forgetting that some scientists disagree with your firm belief that bacteria have either been preprogrammed by your God or given direct instructions whenever they make a new discovery.

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