Evolution (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Saturday, May 23, 2009, 17:12 (5459 days ago) @ dhw

I don't know why you say this is "due to sex" when there are so many other factors involved as well ... carnivorousness, disease, natural disasters, plus all the other survival instincts that have evolved into the selfishness which underlies many of our man-made disasters. - Sorry to have been obtuse, but trying for an economy of words is not always conducive to a clear meaning. Early single-celled forms for 3 billion years reproduced by simply splitting in two (binary fission). Essentially there was no death. When sex appeared, it required aging and death, and this event is probably at the Cambrian Explosion were very complicated animal forms appeared, presumably male and female. The Edicaran and Bilatarian forms, which preceded, were very simple, and very likely did not have sex as an issue. Of all the abhorrant factors you list above, the only one that does not lead to death is selfishness(if it does not lead to murder). Sex requires aging and death by whatever manner. We are stuck with that reality. - But a more interesting underlying issue is: how did sex arrive under Darwinian theory? Both sexes had to appear at the same time, or did organisms go through stages of hermaphroditism or parthenogenesis to get to clear sexuality? The latter process does appear in lower forms. But more importantly the Darwin method of evolution must have male and female appear at exacty the same time. Anyone have a just-so story for me to explain that conundrum? - Another issue like the one above that challenges Darwin: When humans got up on both legs, the female pelvis had to change shape, and as human brains grew the female pelvic outlet had to enlarge to accommodate bigger baby heads. The human birth canal is not apelike. There is a 90 degree angle and 180 twist to accomplish. No other primate has that. How is living birth accomplished over, let's say, 6 million years, in humans, with both mother and baby simulateously changing size and shape, each individual with different DNA/RNA? Let's have another just-so story.

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