Evolution (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Saturday, March 21, 2009, 01:58 (5522 days ago) @ George Jelliss

As usual Turell is simply passing on material endorsed by his friends at Uncommon Descent.
> http://www.uncommondescent.com/intelligent-design/we-have-no-excuse-a-scientific-case-f... 
I believe George's response is totally non-responsive to my point. Yes, the essay is from uncommon descent. I don't care whether Monod was misinterpreted or not. The statisticians' discussion related to a complex living organ which had many required functionalities and the probabilites of chance creating anything. Let me use the liver as an example (they did not) which makes bile, which makes cholesterol, which clears the body of foreign chemicals, like medical drugs; it changes hemoglobin from old red cells to bile, just as beginners for function. Now ask yourself: did evolution grow this complex organ step by step? That is Darwin's proposition, but it could have appeared de novo. That is not Darwin. If it is step by step, by mutation after mutation, the statistical odds become exponentially so enormous, the age of the universe is not sufficient time for chance mutation to accomplish a resulting liver. Since George gave you the website, read the essay. They use very simple examples and simple statistical formulae, which can be followed by most folks to make their point, but their point is my point. I had reached the same conclusions long before I found Uncommon Descent. Inorganic matter, using chance, doesn't work.

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