Cambrian Explosion: mutation rate (Introduction)

by BBella @, Monday, September 23, 2013, 05:25 (4080 days ago) @ David Turell

dhw: Again you state this as if it were a fact, but it's a belief. An alternative is that as environments change, and cell communities combine, they accumulate and exchange more and more information. 
>david: Bluntly cell do not exchange information, only chemical reactions. Transfer of DNA is done between species. Cells have the same DNA with different funtions by differential expression of genees.-I thought this an interesting lecture (Lecture 6 in a series). -How do cells talk to each other and what do they say?- 31 says this:-"Cells make different decisions depending on the input" -Seems as though cells do exchange information with each other. They may not speak in our language but through cell signals, etc., they do exchange information and make decisions accordingly.

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