Science and love, music, art, etc. (The limitations of science)

by dhw, Tuesday, February 24, 2009, 10:28 (5548 days ago) @ George Jelliss

George: "It is an objective fact that science, or more generally reason, IS an accurate guide to truth, as opposed to mere opinion. There is no need to put the word "truth" in quote marks here, as if everyone can have their own versions of it." - But people do have their own versions of it. Millions of Jews, Muslims and Christians say it is true that God exists. You as an atheist say it is not true. None of you have the backing of science. There are, of course, many fields in which science is indeed an accurate guide. Our astonishing technologies provide ample evidence of this. But I don't think the millions of Jews, Muslims and Christians would dispute the accuracy of science in such concrete fields. The dispute lies in those areas that science cannot cover: religion, personal experiences, thought, love...I needn't go through the list again, but these are the truths which require quotation marks, and which are linked to your next statement: - "It is a fact that DT is too willing to accept accounts of subjective experiences as evidence. It is a fact that objectivity requires a more sceptical approach." - Who decides the correct amount of willingness? Indeed who, in this context, decides what constitutes a fact? Here, still in the context of "truth", is a fictional dialogue between three characters whom I shall call DT, GPJ and DHW: - DT: I am a scientist. I have examined the evidence. Life and reproduction originated through intelligent design. - DHW: You are too willing to believe in some vague, conscious, intelligent designer. Objectivity requires a more sceptical approach. - GPJ: I am a scientist. I have examined the evidence. Life and reproduction originated through chance. - DHW: You are too willing to believe in the vague, unconscious, non-intelligent creativity of chance. Objectivity requires a more sceptical approach. - Perhaps you could tell me which of DHW's statements are subjective, and which are factual.

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