Proving common descent (Introduction)

by Balance_Maintained @, U.S.A., Monday, November 12, 2012, 10:27 (4219 days ago) @ dhw

> dhw: Acceptance of 2) aligns you with the Creationists in so far as you think God created all these new organs and organisms separately. That makes me wonder why, if humans were what he really wanted, he didn't create them at the time, instead of poncing about with all those other species.
> -Could humans have survived without food to eat, water to drink, or air to breathe? You have to view creation as a whole, every piece of it was necessary to some extent or another. We need plants to eat and breathe, plants need animals to spread their seeds and continue on their lineage. Was God just 'poncing about' when he created, or allowed for the evolution of, the lowly honey bee, without which life as we know it would run face first into a brick wall? Or perhaps he was 'poncing about' with the earth worm, that aerates the soil so that plants can grow. Perhaps he was 'poncing about' with fish and the plant life in the oceans which purify our air so that we do not become toxic to ourselves. Of all of the questions I have seen you ask, to me this has the most obvious of answers. Why? Because it had to be done. What good is making a light bulb if you do not first have electricity? What would be the point of creating humans if there was not a means for their survival in place?-
As for the Cambrian explosion, I am not so certain why it is so difficult to grasp. Humans use bacteria to clean and purify toxins as in this article This isn't new technology, this is rediscovering original purpose. Similarly, in order to make the earth ready for habitation, other changes had to be made. While it may seem that it would have been easier to *snap his fingers* and make it happen, that would have amplified the amount of work that needed to be done. Earth's early inhabitants needed to be hardier, heavier, and stronger in order to survive the rough climatic conditions. After that point, the need changed to a different order of creatures. -It is like a craftsman creating a fine piece of furniture. After the framework is built, he doesn't skip straight to the finest grain sand paper. Doing that would ruin the wood. Instead, you start with a low, course, heavy grit paper and gradually move to higher and higher grits until your wood has a polished glow. -
Oh.. HI!!! :P

What is the purpose of living? How about, 'to reduce needless suffering. It seems to me to be a worthy purpose.

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