Verification of the Big Bang (General)

by dhw, Saturday, June 09, 2012, 11:28 (4358 days ago) @ xeno6696

MATT: There is no problem conv[inc]ing David or myself of this [the Big Bang theory], but both Tony and dhw have expressed differing degrees of skepticism. (scepticism for our british friend, but then how do we pronounce "scepter?")-We spell it sceptre. I can now reveal the closely guarded secret that British orthography is the foundation stone of chaos theory. Or should that be khaos?
MATT (quoting):" Light from objects so distant has been stretched toward longer wavelengths as it travels across the expanding universe, and astronomers and cosmologists use the degree of stretching, or redshift, as a measure of distance traveled. In the case of SXDF-NB1006-2, the redshift implies that the object existed nearly 13 billion years ago."- the big bang never happened, then why does correcting for the rate of expansion allow us to find results such as this?-I can add nothing to Tony's excellent answer, except to murmur "The Big Bounce."

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