Can The World Survive Without Religion (Yes or No) A Hindu P (General)

by satyansh @, Sunday, November 28, 2010, 06:17 (4919 days ago) @ xeno6696

"As arguably the most opinionated (and possibly most full of Bullshit on this board) I welcome you and will attempt to engage you here!"-Now i woudnt want to think anybody is full of bullshit. Nothing is bullshit. There is useful info and useless info.-"I think that Western civilization is already "godless." Sure, 85% of Americans are Christian, but the watered-down views of today's Christians would have been death 150 years ago! "-I dont think the western civilization is Godless. Yah europe is increasing in terms of agnosticism but let me tell you they may not necesarrily believe in the ferry god of the abrahamic religions but they definately are not godless because i have travelled a lot in europe and U will be surprised how much of an impact hinduism and buddhism is making in europe simply because of the overall tolerant and spiritual superirority of these religions over the abrahamic variety. ( When I say superirority i really mean superiority). They may be getting away from the abrahamic religions but always remember mankind needs something to cling on. some kind of thought and philosophy is nothing but what a religion is for me. religion for me isn't a sacred thing but just a thought and philosophy which has survived for years.-"His views are probably more Buddhist than Hindu, but the overall tolerance is there. "-well i find this very funny and hear this a lot from westeners when they say x persons view is more buddhist than hindu. well I would recommend you read the 4 vedas first and then read the buddhism philosophies and the jainism philosophies and what u will see is they are 98% similar and i say this with as much ease as when i said hinduism and other eastern philosophies has spiritual superiority over the abrahamic faiths.
because for a person in india all the three faiths are not different we dont even consider them to be a different. they are all one big philosophy which has some differences. Hinduism is more open ended and buddhism and jainism are more specific as they only concentrated on 1 particular way. so if a persons views are buddhist they are as hindu and if a persons views are hindu they are as buddhist or jain. -"But back to your main question, if you look at Europe, it is already a conglomerate of atheistic nations; "-if you mean that they are following the New atheist movement i disagree with you but if you say they are agnostic to the point where they are having serious doubts about god i agree.-again the point you made about USA. i have family in USA for 10 years now have been to USA more than 15 times in the last decade and have lived in Canada for 2 years. But after visiting europe and North america. let me tell you my personal experience. when it comes to openess and expression of your views and not getting shit for it I would USA and Canada as far far ahead of europe as far as a Indian is concerned. I have a lot more respect for your country and its people than europe.

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