Cosmologic philosophy: why this planetary arrangement? (Introduction)

by dhw, Friday, June 10, 2022, 10:56 (688 days ago) @ David Turell

QUOTES: No star systems have been found that resemble ours, with its four little rocky planets near the sun and four gas giants orbiting far away. “That does seem to be something that is unique to our solar system that is unusual,” said Seth Jacobson, an astronomer at Michigan State University. (David’s bold)

"In other words, we might have gotten lucky in our solar system, with multiple giant planets keeping each other in check, so that none swung sunward and destroyed the rocky planets." (David’s bold)

DAVID: I skipped most of the new theories, interesting but totally unproven. So, clear blind lucky contingencies, or are we on the perfect planet for life by design? My bolds set the point. I await dhw's thoughts.

You have heard them many times. Life is so complex that I cannot attribute it to chance and so I accept the logic of the design argument. On the other hand, why all the billions of solar systems and galaxies if a Creator only wanted to design ours? And can we believe there is a single sourceless mind capable of creating all these billions of systems? The apparent infinity of possible combinations of systems that come and go for no apparent purpose supports the case for a “blind lucky contingency”. I have no definitive answers, and so I sit on my agnostic fence!

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