Cosmologic philosophy: conscious universe (Introduction)

by dhw, Sunday, January 08, 2017, 14:19 (2658 days ago) @ BBella

DAVID: I firmly believe that our universe is conscious and our consciousness is a part of that overall state of the universe and our brain is a receiver of that ability. But the universe obviously preceded our appearance.

BBELLA: At the very least, the universe preceded the appearance of the human form, but not necessarily preceded our conscious awareness. We cannot know how long our consciousness has been aware.

For me, consciousness is bound up with identity, and so how can anything exist as a human if no human has ever existed? I think all forms of life have their own identity (and their own particular form and degree of consciousness), and – if we pursue Sheldrake’s theory – their morphic field is initially the product of that identity before it helps to shape the identity of the individuals that follow.

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