Theodicy: God's editing system for autoimmune problems (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Friday, April 15, 2022, 20:57 (762 days ago) @ David Turell

A new study:

"In vertebrates, precise orchestration of immune responses largely relies on two major subsets of T lymphocytes. CD8+ T cells are cytotoxic and can eliminate virus-infected host cells, whereas CD4+ T cells provide signals that help the activation of CD8+ T cells and antibody production by B lymphocytes. To avoid hyperactivation that may lead to irreparable tissue damage but also to prevent inadvertent responses against host tissues, a complex set of regulatory mechanisms exist. CD4+ regulatory T cells (Tregs ) have been well characterized ....On page 265 of this issue, Li et al. provide evidence that a subset of human CD8+ T cells also selectively suppress pathogenic CD4+ T cells during autoimmune or infectious diseases, including flu and COVID-19.


"Overall, Li et al. unveil an intriguing population of human regulatory CD8+ T cells that can suppress inflammatory responses through killing activated pathogenic T cells. Targeting KIR+CD8+ T cells might emerge as a new strategy to suppress undesirable self-reactivity in autoimmune or infectious diseases."

The article itself:

"CONCLUSION: We identify KIR+CD8+ T cells as an important regulatory T cell subset in humans. They are induced as part of the response during an autoimmune reaction or infection and may act as a negative feedback mechanism to specifically suppress the self-reactive or otherwise pathogenic cells without affecting the immune responses against pathogens. This subset of CD8+ Tregs appears to play an important role in maintaining peripheral tolerance, which is distinct from and likely complementary to that of CD4+ Tregs. Our findings also provide insights into understanding the relationship between autoimmunity and infectious diseases and into the development of potential therapeutic approaches targeting KIR+CD8+ T cells to suppress undesirable self-reactivity in autoimmune disorders and infectious diseases."

Comment: Immune cells attack very discriminately and almost often recognize body 'self' cells. God set up this mechanism to make sure no mistakes would occur, but of course they happen. God knew His system for life's biochemistry was the only one available, but high-speed molecular reactions using free molecules could have errors. God accepted the risks even with editing systems..

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