Theodicy: bacteria seen differently (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Wednesday, August 11, 2021, 15:01 (1010 days ago) @ David Turell

A young fecal transplant 'youthens' old mousse brains:

"As you age, your brain slows down. You may forget where you left your glasses or have trouble picking up a new skill. Now there’s hope from rodent experiments that some of these declines could be reversed—but it takes guts. New research shows a transplant of gut microbes, in the form of feces, from young mice to old ones can turn back the clock on the aging brain.


"The bacteria in our intestines influence everything from our daily moods to our overall health. This “gut microbiome” also changes over the course of our lives. But whereas some studies have shown young blood can have rejuvenating effects on old mice, the microbiome’s impact on age-related declines hasn’t been clear.


"The first thing the team noticed was that the gut microbiomes of the old mice given young mouse microbes began to resemble those of the younger ones. The common gut microbe Enterococcus became much more abundant in old mice, just as it is in young mice, for example.

"There were changes in the brain as well. The hippocampus of old mice—a region of the brain associated with learning and memory—became more physically and chemically similar to the hippocampus of young mice. The old mice that received young mouse poop also learned to solve mazes faster and were better at remembering the maze layout on subsequent attempts, the team reports today in Nature Aging. None of these effects was seen in old mice given old mouse feces.

“'It’s almost like … we could press the rewind button on the aging process,” says John Cryan, a neuroscientist at University College Cork who led the new study."

Comment: it has been recognized for some time that the gut biome plays a large active role in the body's general economy in a good way. Now here is the nasty surprise. As long as those bugs stay where they are!! If a diverticulum bursts in the sigmoid colon (and the colon is where the gut biome resides) wild peritonitis immediately occurs and easily kills with or without antibiotics. What is acting well suddenly is acting very badly. Not God's fault. Bacteria are both good and bad. It depends upon where they live. It is designed that bacteria are integral part of living for their helpful purposes. They can't help it if they accidently find themselves in the wrong spot. Remember, we also exist with big brains to try to solve these mistakes, thank goodness, or thank God.

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