Introducing the brain: general (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Thursday, March 31, 2022, 17:11 (766 days ago) @ dhw

DAVID: Our real battle is about cells and how they work, as you note. My analogy fits my side.

dhw: Thank you for these two clarifications, which to some extent explain the confusion. Since the motor industry has its own special jargon, I take back my vehement disapproval of your use of language. However, what may be “small differences” in the motor industry are colossal differences in the context of our discussion: either cells follow instructions (= automated) or they make their own decisions (autonomous).The one is the exact opposite of the other. I suggest we scrap the analogy!

DAVID: I've made my point and you yours. They can't think but can communicate with molecules. The only message a molecule can bring is its function, so when it arrives at a new cell it says use me if you wish. The recipient cell recognizes the useful molecule and has an onboard molecule react with it. All rapidly automatic, occurring in millionths of a second, a trillion of times in the body simultaneously, which creates an energy need and life's homeostasis. And the energy arrives by eating something. dhw's wishful God must produce a pacifistic life form. That means theoretically starting with plants, not animals. I leave it to dhw to give us a followup scenario to reach humans as history shows.

dhw: For some reason, you have switched the focus from the distinction between automatic and autonomous to God’s choice of war over peace. Nobody would ever dispute that life needs energy. Do you consider it was beyond the powers of your all-powerful God to design plants before animals? In any case, the exact order of their respective evolutions doesn’t seem to be clear, judging by some of the websites I’ve consulted.

Well, we scrapped the analogy, so why not go elsewhere? Bacteria, animals, are first. But I agree algae and other early plant forms existed. There was parallel evolution with Cambrian explosion at 530 byo and Darwin's 'plant bloom' at 240 byo. Plants peacefully absorb energy and animals attack each other. Tell me how totally peaceful animals would be in your God's world. Would they all eat veggies? Including how would bacteria eat?

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