Introducing the brain: religions' effects (Introduction)

by dhw, Friday, May 14, 2021, 09:14 (1087 days ago) @ David Turell

dhw: The article focused solely on the good, and as usual I attempted to restore the balance. Firstly, people can be “good” without being religious, and secondly religion itself can be the source of appalling suffering. This ranges from the religion-inspired wars and persecutions of the past to the religion-inspired terrorism of today. On a personal note, when I was a kid, the Jewish religion taught me to be afraid of God. At least some forms of Christianity put love before fear, though all too frequently Christianity too has set an example of prejudice and intolerance. But I am not denying the good teachings, and I am not denying the good deeds. I am asking for a fair balance. As for Israel, the fighting is not about religion, so I don’t know why you’ve mentioned it here.

DAVID: To cover the last point first, Israel is a Jewish state, and Hamas is Muslim group determined to destroy Israel. Two fighting religions.

If you really believe they are fighting only over religion (I emphatically don’t), then you are merely giving yet another example of the bad side of religion. Thank you for also attempting to restore some balance to the blinkered view of religion presented by the article.

DAVID: Next, my Jewish childhood teaching never made me fearful of God.

Then perhaps you or/and I were taught an edited version.

DAVID: And I agree all religious wars are wrong.

Thank you. All I set out to do was restore the balance in the light of the totally one-sided views presented by the article. Thank you for your support.

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