God and Evolution (Evolution)

by xeno6696 @, Sonoran Desert, Friday, December 25, 2009, 16:29 (5256 days ago) @ dhw

dhw,-I could be wrong in this, but I think David views the universe and God as an intertwining. God is an organizing force in the universe, but not outside of it. But God is a subtle force--he doesn't "place" things in the universe as the childish God I grew up with. As thoughts are organized and fleeting, so is life, and life is better looked at as God's "thoughts" rather than objects he picks up and plays with. He isn't a being that is separate from his "creation" and views it from within instead of without. -In this view, creationism is... a very very childish perspective on how life got here, but this isn't surprising since its view comes from when our collective knowledge was also quite childish. -When you couple the wonder of life's complexity with all the experiences that people throughout the ages have reported, this view of God is both holistic (pardon the pun) and a unifying consciousness that other beings can sometimes reach and experience. Since God is transcendant throughout the universe, tapping into its... "wavelength" for lack of a better term, explains many if not all the experiences documented by all the other religions. -Now of course after complimenting what I perceive to be David's view, I must question it. -If this view of God is more sophisticated, lets think about why we think so.-This view of God is based more on science and what we know about the world, but that said, it isn't different than the creationist view. -This new view of God is simply an adjustment of theology to respond to what science has shown us, exactly as the creationist view had done back when it was first invented thousands of years ago. Isn't this new theology simply a modern expression of God? How can we truly say its better than the creationist view when, forgive me, there is no way to objectively compare theologies? As my old friend Xenophanes of Colophon once said, "If oxen, horses, and lions could draw, their gods would look like oxen, horses, and lions."

\"Why is it, Master, that ascetics fight with ascetics?\"

\"It is, brahmin, because of attachment to views, adherence to views, fixation on views, addiction to views, obsession with views, holding firmly to views that ascetics fight with ascetics.\"

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