Holographic Universe: The old and new (General)

by dhw, Friday, September 09, 2016, 13:18 (2791 days ago) @ David Turell

dhw: However, although Sheldrake talks of creativity, I still don't understand how this fits in with morphogenetic fields, which as I said before only seem to relate to established forms rather than to "genesis".-DAVID: "Genesis" is a real problem. Sheldrake quote:-"Organisms do not require designers because they contain their formative principles within themselves. I think organisms organise themselves in accordance with morphogenetic fields, not in accordance with designs and I don't think DNA contains designs or is an intelligent designer. Organisms themselves are capable of creativity and I think of the creativity in the evolutionary process neither as depending on God as an external designer, nor on blind chance, but on the creative capacity inherent in organisms themselves."-DAVID: How did organisms obtain or develop this self-organizing ability? Are the fields just there to be grown into? Do antecedent organisms create forms for the future? Life started as single cells. Did they have a morphogenetic form? Not at all clear to me or convincing. As for proof???-Thank you for elaborating on my own query relating to “genesis”. How organisms obtained the ability remains an open question, to which one answer might be your God. As for the rest of your comment, bearing in mind our shared belief in common descent, I suggest that perhaps the intelligence of cells/cell communities (as advocated by Shapiro) is the source of organisms' creative capacity, and that this creative capacity is what continuously changes the morphic fields (if we accept Sheldrake's hypothesis). In other words, the morphic fields only provide a context within which the creative organisms innovate, thereby in turn changing the morphic fields. And I would propose that the term “morphogenetic” be abandoned!

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