Irreducible complexity: water balance control (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Thursday, May 28, 2015, 01:25 (3275 days ago) @ David Turell

A simple discussion of how the body controls the amount of water in it, 60% by weight:-"Human life would be impossible without the presence of osmoreceptors, ADH, and ADH receptors. As Michael Behe might say, the system the body uses to control its water content is irreducibly complex. Evolutionary biology needs to explain how all of these parts came together as a functioning system. -"Moreover, as I've often said in this series, when it comes to life and death, real numbers have real consequences. The presence of osmoreceptors, ADH, and ADH receptors is not good enough to explain how the body controls its water content. The osmoreceptors have to respond fast and well enough to give the body proper warning. The posterior pituitary gland has to send out the right amount of ADH, not too much and not too little. Finally, the ADH receptors have to respond in the right way as well."

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