Irreducible complexity (Introduction)

by romansh ⌂ @, Sunday, April 20, 2014, 16:28 (3676 days ago) @ dhw

Romansh: hmmn ... This
> DAVID: I am very aware of the wedge document and the thoughts of the ID folks. I'm not them, but I take from their works what I think is reasonable, as I think my new book shows. Ask dhw.
> Sadly, Intelligent Design has come to be inextricably associated with Creationism. David's book sticks to the science, and although he concludes from his clear and comprehensive analysis of all the available scientific information that there had to be a designer, he stops there. The Atheist Delusion is not a religious book, and in his conclusion he emphasizes that "in this area of thought, there are only questions, no answers. Science advances with ever more information to digest, but it will not offer ultimate truth. Keep an open mind and permit yourself to change your mind if you find it necessary." You can't say fairer than that!-I have posted this video before
In it Miller describes how the phrase intelligent design was substituted into Panda's Thumb, by your very own Discovery Institute.-Have you read Ben Goldacre's Bad Pharma - it weaves a sad tail of how the pharmaceutical industry omits to publish negative findings, has poor controls and few other poor practices? (This happens when you have a strongly goal oriented structure generating papers). I can only imagine how the Discovery Institute (essentially a theologically motivated laboratory) works. If David could provide a few articles that actually contradict intelligent design that come from the Discovery institute, I would be impressed.-While looking for info about the Discovery institute came across this: may find it interesting-Interesting that Ewert also graduated from Baylor.

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