Junk DNA: goodbye!: Review article (Introduction)

by dhw, Thursday, March 19, 2015, 21:10 (3337 days ago) @ David Turell

DAVID: I don't give attributes to God simply because I don't believe I can know them. Why do you want to personalize Him, other then to conjure up straw man arguments about what He means to accomplish? Yes, something caused life. The complexity of life's biochemistry forces me to conclude it needs a designer. You stick to a simplistic form of negative thinking, by stopping short of reaching any conclusion which cannot be proven. Again, it takes some faith that your reasoning carries logic. Chance or design is all there can be. -It cannot be proven that one political party, one partner, one job is better than another, and yet believe it or not, there are agnostics who make such judgements and decisions all the time! Agnosticism does not consist of not reaching a conclusion which cannot be proven, but of not reaching a conclusion because the two sides are evenly balanced and there is no need to shut one eye. As for “simplistic”, many of the world's worst problems are caused by the simplistic thinking of those who refuse to acknowledge that most issues have more than one side. The history of religion is a prime example.

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