Junk DNA: goodbye! (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Thursday, October 09, 2014, 00:27 (3499 days ago) @ David Turell

More evidence of 'junk' DNA functionality:-http://wfas2014.acaom.edu/wfas-registration-landing-page/?gclid=CNmbitGbnsECFSyCMgodpSsAFA-"Aldrich's findings, published today in the online edition of the journal PLOS ONE, showed that differences in the heterochromatin exist, confirming that the junk DNA is not stagnant as researchers originally had believed and that mutations which could affect other parts of the genome are capable of occurring.
"We know that there is hidden variation there, like disease proclivities or things that are evolutionarily important, but we never knew how to study it," Maggert said. "We couldn't even do the simplest things because we didn't know if there was a little DNA or a lot of it.
"This work opens up the other non-coding half of the genome."

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