Play Trap the Atheist (The atheist delusion)

by hyjyljyj @, Friday, December 07, 2012, 03:54 (4158 days ago) @ David Turell

"Consciousness is at a quantum level; there is no other way to look at it, and I can quote a whole number of 'expert' scientists on the subject, probably starting with David Bohm."-Well, I am (and presumably, the referenced expert scientists are also) glad that it is indeed a whole number; imagine what kind of fractured theories a fraction of a scientist might come up with! >:^D) -Seriously though, I am unable to conceive of consciousness (or anything else) at a quantum level, because I don't really have an understanding of quantum mechanics. I studied classical physics and not the theoretical variety. It's my own limitation and not your being wrong about it; although in truth I almost wish you were, if there indeed is no other way to conceive of it, because that leaves me with no way to conceive of it at all. Except to say that I join those who cannot find a way to force themselves to believe in an inorganic universe suddenly sprouting consciousness. It just simply HAD to come from other consciousness; there's nothing else to make it out of.-As to atheists in general and the smug champion of them all, Richard Dawkins, it is surprising that anyone of scholarly repute actually thinks he can prove a negative. There is simply no way to prove the non-existence of a deity using the senses, if for no other reason than that the description of deities usually includes lack of any sort of physical substance to experience with the senses. So he tries to prove it instead using logic, which falls apart as soon as arises the problem of consciousness, the bane of all atheists to explain away. The most you can say is you didn't prove the existence of a deity, and therefore don't really know if it exists or not, assuming "it" has any sort of sensible definition at all.-Conveniently the most any theist can [accurately] say is they also didn't prove the existence of a deity, putting everyone on a level playing field called agnosticism

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