Play Trap the Atheist (The atheist delusion)

by hyjyljyj @, Saturday, December 08, 2012, 15:11 (4154 days ago) @ dhw
edited by unknown, Saturday, December 08, 2012, 15:21

Thanks again for your words of support, dhw. Thanks also for providing a nice, concise verbal distinction between agnostics as non-believers and atheists as disbelievers. I'll use that one from now on, I'm sure.-Isn't it amusing how atheists--with 100% unanimity, which is something exceedingly rare--do not "get" that their smug certainty is every single bit as smug, and every bit as unsupported by any objective reality, as the certainty they rail against religionists for? It just makes me laugh, how rigidly and closed-mindedly they cling to their faith in random chance as all-knowing creator and how categorically they reject mystery as a normal part of human life. They just can't handle the concept of "we do not possess the mental or intellectual capacity to know certain things and probably never will", but people like Albert Einstein could. I refer to him a lot just because he is such an icon of superintelligence whom no one can claim to supersede in that area...and also because there are still far too many out there who simply assume he remained a Jew (spiritually speaking) his entire life. By most accounts he rejected Judaism out of hand at age 12. He rejoiced in the quest to understand what tip of the universal iceberg he could with his "finite brain" as he called it, while simultaneously rejoicing in the mystery of the parts he could never grasp, which he freely admitted was the vast majority of it. Atheists, by contrast, are smug enough to believe (a) they've almost got the whole thing figured out, and (b) atheist scientists will eventually figure out the small remaining bit and that it required no god or gods whatsoever. -I still keep going back to the sheer, unbridled brilliance of the observation that these scientists are so infinitely absurd as to believe that, once they DO figure out a way, without cloning, to deliberately create a replica of a human being that has consciousness (or even just a single cell, I might add), THAT is the thing that will, somehow, finally "prove" that they themselves DIDN'T need a deliberate designer! It is pure absurdity in its crystalline state.-There's just no other word for that insight than brilliant.

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