Creationist objections to big bang theory (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Monday, April 13, 2015, 16:00 (3322 days ago)

This commentator has a broad scientific background:-"Modern day cosmology has developed a ‘good' story. The general public knows it very well. But they have absolutely no knowledge of the details, nor if they were presented to them could very many of them even comprehend them.-"So the usual script is adhered to, and if you don't depart from that you can get out your message. But suggest something different, i.e. our galaxy in a special location, and you will hear a deafening silence. Of course, that means you won't hear anything. You, the author, will be ignored. But for those who accept the standard paradigm—the ? Cold Dark Matter big bang story—you won't have any problem getting out your story.-"That story, which is told over and over again, is filled with made-up stuff, Dark Matter, Dark Energy, Dark Radiation, Inflation epoch with inflaton fields, expanding space, big bang singularity, quantum fluctuations of a false metastable vacuum, colliding hyper-dimensional branes, etc.-"Who understand what these things are? The general public certainly doesn't. The experts can't really because none of these have ever been discovered or demonstrated in a lab experiment. But they are all needed in the modern big bang story and it is really one big story. If you are going to tell a lie, tell a big one.-"But I am not suggesting that any cosmologist is actively lying. I don't believe that."-I always look at all points of view:-This is the paper he published (peer reviewed):-"As an illustration of this let me relate a story from early 2013. At that time I published a cosmology paper,3 which included an interesting concept. I found that using an alternative cosmology in a finite bounded expanding universe, with a unique centre and an edge, one could get the same physical description of the large-scale structure of the universe, which fit the observed data well. But this was without the need for the inclusion of ‘Dark Energy' or ‘Dark Matter' fudge factors, as is necessarily assumed in the standard big bang cosmology with no centre and no edge.-"It was only a theory paper published in a lower ranked journal, so I didn't really think much about it. But then I received a call from someone in the publicity department at my university who wanted to speak with me because she wanted to write a press release on it. She asked me what I felt was important about the paper. I told her that the paper was consistent with the notion that our galaxy could be located in a privileged location in the universe. This was contrary to the oft quoted cosmological principle which states that there are no privileged locations—that our location is purely random and the universe has no centre or edge. My paper suggested that that is not necessarily so."-I still use a third way approach: God used an evolutionary method to make the universe and Humans. It fits both sides of the equation for atheists and believers, and my proof is neither group likes it.

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