Christianity and Roman Catholicism in a Nutshell by Guido (Religion)

by hyjyljyj @, Friday, December 07, 2012, 01:04 (4165 days ago)

Author's Note and Caution: After asking if it would be desired, here is a satirical essay I recently discovered that I must have written some years ago. READERS SHOULD NOTE that its intended humor may be at times crude, insensitive, offensive, risqué, cynical, harsh or otherwise objectionable. But it made me laugh when I read it, so I hope the same reaction is enjoyed by others...any feedback is welcome (but be prepared to take what you dish out)-Per admin suggestion I've broken it up into more than one post. Enjoy-Christianity and Roman Catholicism in a Nutshell, Part I
Instead of Sister Cucci or Father Iccibelli, what if a different kind of Italian told the story? -A long time ago some broad had a chat with a talking snake. The snake said "Have a snack," so she did. The snake's snack really hacked off this huge invisible guy in the sky who grants wishes but apparently dislikes apples with a degree of intensity that is difficult to imagine. So he decided right then, this snacking can only mean every single human being on Earth forever will automatically be born a lousy, rotten, lying, evil, steaming pile of worthless crap, doomed to die a miserable death that never ends—but that goes without saying.
The invisible Sky Guy, nicknamed God for short, ordered this broad to populate the earth, really kind of cornered her into making her the only female alive. So, to get back at him she immediately decided to become the ultimate slut of all time right off the bat and start banging her sons whenever her husband wasn't around. Women!
Then, as a result of God's loving decision to fill everyone's heart and soul with pure evil from birth on, till they're bursting with an overwhelming desire to do all kinds of stuff that just aggravates the piss out of him, they acted according to their nature. Whaddya know. Of course the world got pretty horrific in a hurry (no one could've seen that coming), but for some reason God acted all jilted and surprised, which is odd since he already knew ahead of time exactly how we would act. He got so fed up, he had two of everything alive thrown in a boat so big it could never have been built in a hundred lifetimes, except plants (who needs them) and flooded the whole joint. That'll teach the bastards. So, after going out of his way taking almost a whole week to create it all, the lunatic just turned around and slaughtered every living thing in cold blood, like a sociopathic schizo over here. Big surprise: even that didn't work, people being the total pieces of shit the Sky Guy himself designed them to be.
Trying to make it simple for a bunch of dimwit mooks, he made up ten rules of what you can't do, and even carved them in stone. But his people liked listening to this other guy instead, some big redskin wiseguy who's all about fun, always loaded, always horny, always having one HELL of a good time. Even when he's pissed off, this guy's constantly laughing diabolically. He used to be one of God's made men, but, being a bastard, decided to switch over, get a mob together and start his own syndicate. And all God's children—that's me and youse—kept getting loose with Lucifer and enjoying themselves, which this time God couldn't handle any more. So he gave up and gave in. "OK, Bub, you win...even the weight of a whole mountain can't keep your red ass down, Me dammit!" And the all-powerful God was forced to genuflect and capitulate to Big Bad Beelzebub, a guy he created knowing full well he'd be sorry later. (The apparent urge to self-sabotage has never been explained.) To add insult to injury, this is a guy who's half goat. -And as part of the "deal"—if you can call it that, since it's hard to see what God got out of it—he had to sacrifice one of his kids. We're all "his children", OK, but this one had to be made special: it was for Sir Satan, you understand. So just to be on the safe side, he had the baby come out of a virgin who was born to ANOTHER virgin. Because that happens all the time. Sex is dirty and bad, see? Then, just to be even more on the safe side, he had the daughter virgin get the sperm not from a man, because that would be too much like sex, but from a completely different species: a talking pigeon who called himself God and told her to calm down. (I'm telling you, you cannot make this stuff up. First the reptile, then the bird...I guess 2000 years ago there's a bunch of animals that won't shut up over here. Jeez, if you could get some of those today and teach them to recite poetry, you could win America's Got Talent. But I digress.)

Christianity and Roman Catholicism in a Nutshell Part II

by hyjyljyj @, Friday, December 07, 2012, 01:09 (4165 days ago) @ hyjyljyj

Christianity and Roman Catholicism in a Nutshell Part II-So anyway, nine months later God had his specially manufactured kid pop out of virgin #2 in a stinking barn, with a bunch of farm animals and Joe the Carpenter for midwives. Suddenly, three wiseguys showed up from the east side and gave the kid some gold and two kinds of psychedelic tree sap. Those things don't come cheap but are hard for a little baby to use. (That's Christmas for you—giving people expensive stuff they don't need.) But because the three wiseguys from the east side did that 20 centuries ago, YOU now have to pay an annual fine in person at a huge cavernous building called a church, which is a type of echo chamber. But that isn't enough. You also have to put a dry dead tree in water with live electrical wires inside your house and plug it in; and you have to swear to your kids some bearded guy with eight deer that can fly will somehow squeeze down your chimney even though he's a big fat slob and you don't have a chimney, and leave behind a bunch of junk from China that will be broken or thrown away before noon on December 25th, even though the special baby was born in April. Got that?
The baby (named Jesus Christ after what Joe the Carpenter would sometimes yell when banging his thumb with a hammer) was raised Jewish yet became a super laid-back, peace & love, hippie philosopher-poet and a decent carpenter like his mom's husband, who wasn't his dad; the pigeon was, remember? Anyway, as part of God's twisted deal with the goat-guy, whacking this kid would somehow get everybody on Earth off scot-free. (We know a few people who could use that, right, Vinny? Hey, whaddyou laughing at, Joey—I'm looking at you too, wiseguy.) So, the kid had a contract out on him from the get-go. He suspected it but didn't care, and he got pretty popular for being a stand-up guy, one of the few people left you could trust who wouldn't turn around and backstab you like a mook...a total square, doing stuff for people just to help them out of a jam, such as being dead or running out of wine. Anybody, even Gino 'the Cyclops' or Tony 'the Breath', would get popular quick if they could do that. But when the carin' carpenter (heheheh, I just made that one up) got too big for his bathrobe, one of his own made men ratted him out to the Romans, who whacked him and then turned around and started their own syndicate with him as capo, but named it after themselves! The Jews call that chutzpah; we call it balls deluxe over here. 
Even though Jesus getting whacked means you're off the hook for all your rottenness, you're really not, because nobody could make any moolah off that. So, every single week you gotta pay protection money, plus rat on yourself to one of the consiglieri in a tiny closet, then repeat certain poems over and over while playing with a string of beads, or else you get slow whackage followed by insanely vicious torture way worse than even anything Vito could think up, burning in a fire that never goes out—even though you're already dead. Gotta admit, these dons know how to deal with deadbeat mooks.
Anyway, after they whacked him, the body mysteriously disappeared—which almost never happens, right, Vito? That's called Easter, after the east side where the three wiseguys came from, so of course you have to pay another annual fee at the local echo chamber. But then the animal fixation kicks in again: you have to paint chicken eggs weird colors and hide them outside; swear to your kids some rabbit did it, in spite of rabbits' having no discernible artistic talent most of the time; and then make your kids waste a weekend day trying like hell to find the damned things before they start to rot and make a stench like Joey over here after a large pepperoni with anchovy and onion at Luigi's. Makes my eyes start burning just thinking about it.
Skip ahead a couple thousand years. As hard as it may be to believe, thousands of broads wearing black tablecloths who live with each other and aren't allowed to touch or even think about dudes...and thousands of wiseguys also in black who seem to really, really dig spending lots of time with little schoolboys but can't touch a dame...these are the ones put in charge of telling you, me and everyone in the world what to do (meaning what not to do) about sex and fun in general. I still am not making this up. They're also in charge of repeating this story to you, bit by bit, in various degrees of excruciating detail, every single week for the rest of your life, for money. Your money. You HAVE to come and pay the protection money every week, or else God whacks you and sends you away to hang out forever with that big redneck goat-guy you like but who does lots of stuff to you that you don't like. But pay it, and you get to go party up in the clouds where everything goes your way as long as you're dead.

Christianity and Roman Catholicism in a Nutshell Part III

by hyjyljyj @, Friday, December 07, 2012, 01:10 (4165 days ago) @ hyjyljyj

Christianity and Roman Catholicism in a Nutshell Part III - Epilogue-With a deal like that, who wouldn't want to sign up for this Roman Catholic mob, right? I don't know how they could be losing people and money, unless the black jacks are skimming the take. Speaking of which, here comes the collection basket. Try to skip out, and my friend here in black is gonna take you out back...and bore you till your eyes bleed.
So pay up, mooks. Forever. -The End

Christianity and Roman Catholicism in a Nutshell Part III

by David Turell @, Friday, December 07, 2012, 02:06 (4165 days ago) @ hyjyljyj
edited by unknown, Friday, December 07, 2012, 02:17

> With a deal like that, who wouldn't want to sign up for this Roman Catholic mob, right? I don't know how they could be losing people and money, unless the black jacks are skimming the take. Speaking of which, here comes the collection basket. Try to skip out, and my friend here in black is gonna take you out back...and bore you till your eyes bleed.
> So pay up, mooks. Forever. -
Hysterical. By the way, there is a debate on line between the Lord High Rabbi
Sacks of England and Dawkins. The Rabbi quotes Dawkins' description of the OT God, whom Dawkins mocks. The Rabbi tells him the description is anti-semetic. Dawkins jaw drops and Rabbi Sacks keeps him on the run for the whole debate.- the other hand a cousin of mine by marriage is a young priest. I like him and his view of life. I am an odd mixture.

Christianity and Roman Catholicism in a Nutshell Part III

by dhw, Friday, December 07, 2012, 19:55 (4165 days ago) @ hyjyljyj the way, I do wish you'd chosen a pseudonym that was easier to spell, let alone to pronounce!...your Nutshell is indeed "crude, insensitive, offensive, risqué, cynical, and harsh" and I love it. Some passages had me laughing out loud, but hilarious though it is, it really nails umpteen theological absurdities smack on the head. If anyone really is offended, I would invite them to offer their counter arguments to the fundamentally serious issues raised by hyjyljyj's satire. -It's an honour to be the first website (I presume) to present this mini-masterpiece to the world. Do feel free to write some more!-However, I really must take you up on one major blunder at the beginning of Part Two. You say the kid popped out "in a stinking barn, with a bunch of farm animals..." You are going to have to broaden your studies. To find out the truth as revealed by Herr Joseph Ratzinger, who by changing his name to Benedict XVI has become infallible, please see my post "Popes and Bishops", 22 November at 12.30 pm.

Christianity and Roman Catholicism in a Nutshell Part III

by hyjyljyj @, Friday, December 07, 2012, 21:45 (4164 days ago) @ dhw
edited by unknown, Friday, December 07, 2012, 22:07

Thanks very much for the kind words, David and dhw, and for letting me post my essay here. I'm really glad you enjoyed it. -Unfortunately the absurdity of my goofy little story is exceeded only by that of the one on which it was based.-Hell, Guido never even got into the people's favorite part of getting together weekly at the echo chamber...when they pay the protection money, they get to pretend to cannibalize Jesus. -Only they're not pretending! I am not making this up. They are instructed, with glowering solemnity, both to say they believe and to actually believe they are physically eating the living flesh off the bones of the greatest person who ever lived. If for some bizarre reason they can't bring themselves to really believe they're literally eating another human being's body parts right after Sunday breakfast, then they are not receiving the "sacrament" and hence guessed it...straight to Fire Lake. No passing Go, no $200.-The wiseguys in black also get to drink the blood from his veins, which they really like because Jesus does them the courtesy of changing it back into pricey red wine right before it goes in their mouths. In fact, I've seen the wiseguys and consiglieri sit around and guzzle LOTS of the blood cells and plasma from inside Jesus's cardiovascular system--it's a miracle the poor guy isn't constantly fainting and pale as the shroud of Turin!-To me it's an amazing testament (*ahem*) to the world of religions that the only one outside Papua New Guinea that's based on cannibalism has roughly a billion people chomping on their savior's skin and lungs and lips and muscle tissue on any given Sunday. -Did I mention you cannot make this stuff up?-This is the thanks Jesus gets for living the life of a kind, good-hearted soul, placing his fellow man ahead of himself as an example for us all to live a more loving, more caring, and thus more fulfilling life? I often wonder....are these Catholics going to get up to Heaven and face icy glares for all eternity from a bloodless zombie covered in scars and bite marks? Maybe just an irate skeleton with a halo? Yeesh -Suddenly I seem to have lost my appetite.

Christianity and Roman Catholicism in a Nutshell Part III

by David Turell @, Saturday, December 08, 2012, 00:28 (4164 days ago) @ hyjyljyj

hy:Thanks very much for the kind words, David and dhw, and for letting me post my essay here. I'm really glad you enjoyed it.-Thank you for arriving onthe scene! -
> hy:The wiseguys in black also get to drink the blood from his veins, which they really like because Jesus does them the courtesy of changing it back into pricey red wine right before it goes in their mouths. In fact, I've seen the wiseguys and consiglieri sit around and guzzle LOTS of the blood cells and plasma from inside Jesus's cardiovascular system--it's a miracle the poor guy isn't constantly fainting and pale as the shroud of Turin!-
How can you make so much fun of transubstantiation? My fallen-away almost Jesuit friend in college explained to me that only certain consecrated fingers (right thumb and first two) can handle the substances to all of the transformations. These fingers are in an unbroken line of consecrdation from from St. Paul down, and this is why Episcopals don't get the same result! I did not make this up. By the way he married an Episcopal lady.

Christianity and Roman Catholicism in a Nutshell Part III

by David Turell @, Saturday, December 08, 2012, 00:16 (4164 days ago) @ dhw

> dhw: However, I really must take you up on one major blunder at the beginning of Part Two. You say the kid popped out "in a stinking barn, with a bunch of farm animals..." You are going to have to broaden your studies. To find out the truth as revealed by Herr Joseph Ratzinger, who by changing his name to Benedict XVI has become infallible, please see my post "Popes and Bishops", 22 November at 12.30 pm.-If you go to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem you will see not a barn but an underground room which is reputed to be the remains of whatever stood before the church was built. The faithful are sure that is the spot. 
Be sure to be prepared to bend and squeeze to get down in there.

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