Latest postings
- Far out cosmology: large attraction basins and groups
1 hours, 32 minutes ago - Magic embryology: from initial chaos
6 hours, 27 minutes ago - More miscellany Parts One & Two
6 hours, 46 minutes ago - Return to David's theory of evolution, theodicy & Goff
6 hours, 58 minutes ago - The missing fossils argument; the Avalon explosion
8 hours, 5 minutes ago - Far out cosmology: Milky Way wrapped in magnetic fields
8 hours, 49 minutes ago - More miscellany Parts One & Two
11 hours, 16 minutes ago - Return to David's theory of evolution, theodicy & Goff
11 hours, 35 minutes ago - Introducing the brain: the drive system master swutch
1 day, 3 hours, 48 min. ago - More miscellany Parts One & Two
1 day, 8 hours, 4 min. ago - Return to David's theory of evolution, theodicy & Goff
1 day, 8 hours, 17 min. ago - Human evolution: living in rougher places
1 day, 10 hours, 17 min. ago - More miscellany Parts One & Two
1 day, 14 hours, 44 min. ago - Return to David's theory of evolution, theodicy & Goff
1 day, 15 hours, 0 min. ago - More miscellany Parts One & Two
2 days ago
- Attributes of God - David Turell, 2023-07-28, 17:01 (Introduction)
- DHW AWAY AGAIN - dhw, 2023-07-28, 12:27 (General)
- DHW AWAY AGAIN - David Turell, 2023-07-28, 17:15
- DHW BACK AGAIN - dhw, 2023-08-07, 12:29
- DHW AWAY AGAIN - dhw, 2023-09-02, 14:53
- DHW AWAY AGAIN - David Turell, 2023-09-02, 18:00
- DHW BACK AGAIN - dhw, 2023-09-09, 08:40
- DHW BACK AGAIN - David Turell, 2023-09-09, 18:39
- DHW BACK AGAIN - dhw, 2023-09-10, 11:42
- DHW BACK AGAIN - David Turell, 2023-09-10, 17:13
- DHW AWAY AGAIN - dhw, 2023-09-15, 12:12
- DHW AWAY AGAIN - David Turell, 2023-09-15, 17:02
- DHW BACK AGAIN - dhw, 2023-09-27, 13:45
- DHW BACK AGAIN - David Turell, 2023-09-27, 17:17
- DHW BACK AGAIN - dhw, 2023-09-27, 13:45
- DHW AWAY AGAIN - David Turell, 2023-09-15, 17:02
- DHW AWAY AGAIN - dhw, 2023-09-15, 12:12
- DHW BACK AGAIN - David Turell, 2023-09-10, 17:13
- DHW BACK AGAIN - dhw, 2023-09-10, 11:42
- DHW BACK AGAIN - David Turell, 2023-09-09, 18:39
- DHW BACK AGAIN - dhw, 2023-09-09, 08:40
- DHW AWAY AGAIN - David Turell, 2023-09-02, 18:00
- DHW AWAY AGAIN - dhw, 2023-09-02, 14:53
- DHW BACK AGAIN - dhw, 2023-08-07, 12:29
- DHW AWAY AGAIN - dhw, 2024-03-19, 09:38
- DHW AWAY AGAIN - David Turell, 2024-03-19, 17:04
- DHW AWAY AGAIN - David Turell, 2023-07-28, 17:15
- Death of my son - dhw, 2023-06-22, 08:17 (General)
- Death of my son - David Turell, 2023-06-22, 22:27
- Death of my son - dhw, 2023-06-23, 11:21
- Death of my son - David Turell, 2023-06-23, 18:00
- Death of my son - dhw, 2023-06-23, 11:21
- Death of my son - David Turell, 2023-06-22, 22:27
- Theistic cosmology and Theistic evolution; different - David Turell, 2023-06-17, 16:17 (Introduction)
- The death of our galaxy - dhw, 2023-04-28, 12:47 (General)
- origin of humans - dhw, 2023-04-14, 11:59 (Origins)
- origin of humans - David Turell, 2023-05-05, 20:36
- origin of humans; a new fourth branch - David Turell, 2023-08-07, 15:39
- origin of humans; theory of hair loss - David Turell, 2023-08-17, 22:21
- origin of humans; a new ape ancestor - David Turell, 2023-08-23, 17:59
- origin of humans; early use of wood - David Turell, 2023-09-20, 18:11
- origin of humans; evolution of the skull - David Turell, 2023-10-12, 18:08
- origin of humans; Erectus in Ethiopian highlands - David Turell, 2023-10-13, 20:29
- origin of humans; early sapiens Neanderthal mix - David Turell, 2023-10-24, 17:30
- origin of humans; migration to Asia controlled by climate - David Turell, 2024-01-09, 16:07
- origin of humans; migration to the Americas - David Turell, 2024-01-10, 21:32
- origin of humans; migration to Europe - David Turell, 2024-02-01, 15:32
- origin of humans; migration to Europe - David Turell, 2024-02-01, 15:50
- origin of humans; early migration to Jordan - David Turell, 2024-02-09, 19:05
- origin of humans; migration to Europe - David Turell, 2024-03-18, 14:48
- origin of humans; migration to Persian plateau - David Turell, 2024-03-25, 19:07
- origin of humans; the loss of Neanderthals - David Turell, 2024-03-27, 12:39
- origin of humans; h Erectus in Siberia - David Turell, 2024-04-21, 18:18
- origin of humans; the loss of Neanderthals - David Turell, 2024-03-27, 12:39
- origin of humans; migration to Persian plateau - David Turell, 2024-03-25, 19:07
- origin of humans; a new massive analysis - David Turell, 2024-03-30, 17:46
- origin of humans; a new massive analysis - David Turell, 2024-04-28, 18:48
- origin of humans; cave dwellers not hunters - David Turell, 2024-04-29, 19:16
- origin of humans; Denisovans in New Guinea - David Turell, 2024-05-13, 16:55
- origin of humans; early human hunting weapons - David Turell, 2024-05-16, 18:00
- origin of humans; neanderthal sapiens breeding brief - David Turell, 2024-05-28, 23:33
- origin of humans; tracing early migration patterns - David Turell, 2024-05-29, 18:48
- origin of humans; Neanderthal DNA in humans has no Y - David Turell, 2024-06-17, 17:21
- origin of humans; Neanderthal interbreeding over more time - David Turell, 2024-07-12, 19:32
- origin of humans; Neanderthal DNA in humans has no Y - David Turell, 2024-06-17, 17:21
- origin of humans; tracing early migration patterns - David Turell, 2024-05-29, 18:48
- origin of humans; neanderthal sapiens breeding brief - David Turell, 2024-05-28, 23:33
- origin of humans; early human hunting weapons - David Turell, 2024-05-16, 18:00
- origin of humans; Denisovans in New Guinea - David Turell, 2024-05-13, 16:55
- origin of humans; a place for Sahelanthropus - David Turell, 2024-07-09, 21:42
- origin of humans; early migration to Iberia - David Turell, 2024-07-13, 18:27
- origin of humans; early migration to Argentina - David Turell, 2024-07-17, 20:01
- origin of humans; Denisovan Neanderthal mixing - David Turell, 2024-07-19, 17:36
- origin of humans; early migration to southeast Asia - David Turell, 2024-07-23, 18:55
- origin of humans; the role of giant viruses - David Turell, 2024-07-29, 21:06
- origin of humans; stone age engineering - David Turell, 2024-08-24, 15:38
- origin of humans; two Neanderthal types - David Turell, 2024-09-11, 21:24
- origin of humans; Rapa Nui did not destroy island plants - David Turell, 2024-09-12, 22:01
- origin of humans; two Neanderthal types - David Turell, 2024-09-11, 21:24
- origin of humans; stone age engineering - David Turell, 2024-08-24, 15:38
- origin of humans; the role of giant viruses - David Turell, 2024-07-29, 21:06
- origin of humans; early migration to Argentina - David Turell, 2024-07-17, 20:01
- origin of humans; early migration to Iberia - David Turell, 2024-07-13, 18:27
- origin of humans; cave dwellers not hunters - David Turell, 2024-04-29, 19:16
- origin of humans; a new massive analysis - David Turell, 2024-04-28, 18:48
- origin of humans; migration to Europe - David Turell, 2024-02-01, 15:50
- origin of humans; migration to Europe - David Turell, 2024-02-01, 15:32
- origin of humans; migration to the Americas - David Turell, 2024-01-10, 21:32
- origin of humans; migration to Asia controlled by climate - David Turell, 2024-01-09, 16:07
- origin of humans; early sapiens Neanderthal mix - David Turell, 2023-10-24, 17:30
- origin of humans; early use of wood - David Turell, 2023-09-20, 18:11
- origin of humans; a new ape ancestor - David Turell, 2023-08-23, 17:59
- origin of humans; theory of hair loss - David Turell, 2023-08-17, 22:21
- origin of humans; a new fourth branch - David Turell, 2023-08-07, 15:39
- origin of humans - David Turell, 2023-05-05, 20:36
- My trip - David Turell, 2023-04-11, 16:01 (Introduction)
- My trip - dhw, 2023-04-11, 23:10
- While David's away - dhw, 2023-04-13, 08:11
- The meeting - dhw, 2023-05-05, 12:17
- The meeting - David Turell, 2023-05-05, 20:15
- The meeting - dhw, 2023-05-05, 12:17
- While David's away - dhw, 2023-04-13, 08:11
- My trip - dhw, 2023-04-11, 23:10
- dhw's computer crash - dhw, 2023-03-14, 08:42 (General)
- dhw's computer crash - David Turell, 2023-03-14, 15:02
- dhw's computer crash - dhw, 2023-03-15, 10:00
- dhw's computer crash - David Turell, 2023-03-15, 15:17
- dhw's computer crash - dhw, 2023-03-15, 10:00
- dhw's computer crash - David Turell, 2023-03-14, 15:02
- dhw's obsession with 'humans plus food' - David Turell, 2023-03-11, 17:46 (Introduction)
- dhw's obsession with 'humans plus food'; current studies - David Turell, 2023-03-27, 19:19
- dhw's obsession with 'humans plus food'; current studies - David Turell, 2023-03-27, 19:58
- dhw's obsession with 'humans plus food'; current studies - David Turell, 2023-06-23, 17:57
- dhw's obsession with 'humans plus food'; current studies - David Turell, 2023-08-29, 20:17
- dhw's obsession with 'humans plus food'; current studies - David Turell, 2023-09-13, 19:14
- dhw's obsession with 'humans plus food'; current studies - David Turell, 2023-10-30, 18:48
- dhw's obsession with 'humans plus food'; current studies - David Turell, 2023-12-13, 16:09
- dhw's obsession with 'humans plus food'; current studies - David Turell, 2023-10-30, 18:48
- dhw's obsession with 'humans plus food'; current studies - David Turell, 2023-09-13, 19:14
- dhw's obsession with 'humans plus food'; current studies - David Turell, 2023-08-29, 20:17
- dhw's obsession with 'humans plus food'; current studies - David Turell, 2023-06-23, 17:57
- dhw's obsession with 'humans plus food'; current studies - David Turell, 2023-03-27, 19:58
- dhw's obsession with 'humans plus food'; current studies - David Turell, 2023-03-27, 19:19
- bioelectric cell controls - David Turell, 2023-02-23, 18:36 (Introduction)
- disappearing parasites - David Turell, 2023-01-18, 01:24 (Introduction)
- consciousness creates our reality - David Turell, 2023-01-17, 16:50 (Introduction)
- 15 years of unsolved mysteries - dhw, 2023-01-07, 07:29 (General)
- 15 years of unsolved mysteries - David Turell, 2023-01-08, 23:38
- personal note - David Turell, 2022-12-28, 18:06 (Introduction)
- personal note - dhw, 2022-12-29, 14:34
- The Leverhulme Centre - dhw, 2022-12-28, 12:11 (General)
- The Leverhulme Centre - David Turell, 2022-12-28, 14:59