Speed of light (Introduction)

by dhw, Monday, March 19, 2012, 15:40 (4633 days ago) @ romansh

It turns out that the widely publicized, revolutionary discovery of particles that travel faster than light was a mistake, or "an artifact of the measurement" in the words of the project's director, who hailed this as an example of "perfect scientific integrity".-Dhw: And that is how scientists make fools of themselves and then congratulate themselves on exposing their own incompetence. Week after week we are being bombarded with sensational new discoveries and theories which then fade as rapidly as they appeared. Before making their results public, doing their interviews, apparently justifying the billions of dollars being pumped into their activities, why don't these folk wait till AFTER their "measurements" have been independently scrutinized and tested?-ROMANSH: Here's my response when this all surfaced last year-http://agnosticsinternational.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=12030#p12030 -"I wonder what the outcome will be - a completely new understanding or a better method of estimating errors."-Ah, the wisdom of the agnostic. An excellent response, if I may say so.-ROMANSH: I don't see the benefit in members of the general public crucifying scientists.-I don't see the benefit in scientists making their sensational and revolutionary discoveries public before they have been properly tested, and I don't see the benefit in authoritative figures using misleading jargon to cloak their blunders. But hey, I wouldn't call my complaint a "crucifixion"!

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