DNA radio transmission (Introduction)

by dhw, Thursday, May 05, 2011, 12:43 (4951 days ago) @ Balance_Maintained

TONY: One question presented by this and other discussions bothers me. We have tested the effects of numerous things on life, but have we in fact tested the effects of EM on life? We have discovered that there are numerous attributes of life tied directly to EM fields and waves, such as the navigation of birds and turtles, and free radicals that can drive cancerous cell growth. So we KNOW that EM effects life. Do we know the extent of it?-I did open a thread on The Electric Universe, but it kind of got short-circuited. David referred us to a number of websites which appeared to refute the theory, and I myself don't have the scientific background to delve any deeper. We need a specialist to answer your question. Anybody out there who can help?

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