Personality Profiling (Introduction)

by xeno6696 @, Sonoran Desert, Sunday, March 13, 2011, 12:47 (5004 days ago) @ Balance_Maintained

> > The strengthsfinder exam hits it on the nail as my approach to problem solving actually follows EXACTLY in the order given. (Brainstorm, fact find, synthesize, plan, get feedback.)
> I definitely thought that the Strength Finder test was more accurate, but then again it was testing for a more stable metric, intelligence, versus the Jung Typology that is testing emotion. 
> To me both tests formed another interesting piece of the larger puzzle of consciousness to me. They say that the personality you exhibit around age 3-5 will be the same personality that reasserts itself around age 23, which implies that our personality and strengths are cemented at a very very early time frame. I am sure that someone will argue that our personalities are genetically defined , but I find that a little difficult to accept, personally. 
> -Undoubtedly our brain's physical wiring plays a role, but I too agree that leads to little more than basic predisposition. Humans are nondeterministic. Though studies done on twins that were separated at birth and reunited later at life do raise interesting questions. There are some instances where twins reared apart have married spouses with the same name, pursued the same career, and even had dogs with the same name... (This was on an episode of 20/20 about 10 years ago, but the story stuck with me.)-> So, absent proof that personality is genetically defined, what is there that could form such permanent personality type without the years of experience and scripting?-I'd say that while 'proof' is tricky, there's strong evidence here. Some researchers on the Minnesota Twin study (been running since 1979) conclude that genetics plays a 50% role in personality development. -The other part goes to what I started mentioning; internal wiring. Studies have shown that adults that had an inactive corpus collosum ( bridge between the two hemispheres) tended to suffer more psychopathic behavior. -A friend of mine conducted a pharmaceutical study that demonstrated that in rats, contact with the mother sends alot of a precursor chemical (norepinephrine) through the brain of a baby rat. Neural connections follow the paths taken by this precursor chemical in the brain, so contact with your mother connects your brain better. Studies done of career criminals have also pointed out that they had little to no contact with their mothers growing up. The interplay is very complex--I don't think its possible to really come to a conclusion on nature/nurture because I think they are VERY intertwined with each other.

\"Why is it, Master, that ascetics fight with ascetics?\"

\"It is, brahmin, because of attachment to views, adherence to views, fixation on views, addiction to views, obsession with views, holding firmly to views that ascetics fight with ascetics.\"

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