Belief (Evolution)

by Balance_Maintained @, U.S.A., Saturday, January 08, 2011, 08:54 (4880 days ago) @ xeno6696

> Whoever this modern Leslie is--not that he's wrong, but we can't experiment against a multiuniverse. At least, not in any way I'm aware of. Again, as I've said repeatedly, to me only knowledge counts. I think we spend too much time bandying about in the realm of "speculation as fact" and not enough time considering what it is we really know. It's not fun, but it's at least practical. -
That would be because we, in truth, know next to nothing about anything, and most 'experts' are afraid to commit to an idea for fear of being mocked by their peers should they be proven mistaken. Much better to bandy about in the realm of speculation as fact that make a bold statement of fact and have to admit you were wrong...(touch of sarcasm there...) What's worse is that the ones who are willing to commit to an idea and say 'this is how it is' are usually so narrow in their perspective that they miss many extenuating circumstances. It is a vicious loop, but easily solved when people are ok with stating unequivocally "I don't know." Once you admit you are ignorant you can actually start to learn.

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