The Dodo Problem (Evolution)

by dhw, Thursday, November 25, 2010, 09:05 (4924 days ago) @ dhw

Here on the island of Mauritius
Are many fruits, all quite delicious,
And every fruit, it's plain to see,
Was made specifically for me.
God set things up with loving care:
The earth, the sun, the sea, the air. 
One-celled first, then binary fission ...
Just the beginnings of his mission,
Because the whole point of creation,
Evolution's culmination,
Preordained right from the start,
The darling of the good Lord's heart,
Was me, King Dodo. There can be
No finer form of life than me.
The evidence, of course, is clear:
The simple fact that I am here.
But if you think you should downgrade me,
Ask yourself just why God made me.

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