Climate discussion at a psychological level (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Saturday, February 01, 2025, 17:07 (33 days ago)

From the Daily Mail:

"I’m not even going to comment on this latest absurd report from The Mail. It shows just how far the MSM has descended into publishing such puerile nonsense. It is little wonder that very few people now believe what the media tells them anymore.

"But the very first paragraph is very revealing:

"From the unprecedented heatwave in 2022 to the deadly Storm Eowyn just this month, climate change is already wreaking havoc on Britain’s weather.

"The summer of 2022 was not even as hot as 1976, which rather destroys the narrative.

"But where do they get the idea that Storm Eowyn was caused by climate change?

"As a minute’s research would have told the pathetic journalist who wrote this drivel, Eowyn was a run of the mill storm, the sort which has happened many times in the past.

"But it certainly proves the point of what I have been saying for years now – that the Met Office’s naming of storms and the use of recently introduced clifftop and hilltop sites to produce scary headlines has now created an atmosphere of hysteria, upon which the corrupt media feed.

"Of course, I might be wrong.

"But I have not seen anything from the Met Office so far that puts Eowyn into perspective, or acknowledges the fact that there is no trend towards more intense or frequent storms.

"Indeed, they have just published a new post on their blog, “Is further stormy weather on the way?”, which would have offered the chance to put the record straight."

Comment: no wonder dhw is so panicky

Climate discussion at a psychological level

by David Turell @, Saturday, February 01, 2025, 17:51 (33 days ago) @ David Turell

Another panic report:

"A recent CNN story claims that climate change has caused recent disruptions in food production across the Caribbean and South America. This is false. Although in Latin America as elsewhere farm production varies from year to year and weather in 2023 did bring hardship to some farmers in some countries, since 1990 overall crop production in the region has regularly set records. Despite being a period during which the Earth warmed modestly, improving supplies of major crops resulted in a decline in hunger. With no sustained decrease in production and no long-term trend, it is simply false to claim climate change is harming food production in Latin America.

"The CNN story, “Climate change is disrupting food systems across Latin America, UN report says,” cites a recent U.N. report, “Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition 2024,” to claim:

"Violent weather exacerbated by climate change fueled hunger and food insecurity across Latin America and the Caribbean in 2023, according to a new United Nations report.

"Extreme weather drove up crop prices in multiple countries in the region in 2023, the report, which was written by several UN agencies including the World Food Program (WFP), says.


"Facts are facts and while CNN and the U.N. may try to spin a single year’s food disruption for some farmers in some countries into evidence of a regionwide climate crisis, the data tells a different story. Amid ongoing modest warming, while some farmers, in some countries, in some years, have down years, and transportation may be made difficult due to storms, overall in Latin America food production is increasing. Farmers and agricultural areas across the region are doing well. There is no evidence, none whatsoever, that climate change is disrupting the food supply or causing hunger or malnutrition in Latin America."

Comment: Again the truth is distorted to insist upon urgency. Proceeding at a pragmatic pace is reasonable.

Climate discussion at a psychological level

by David Turell @, Saturday, February 08, 2025, 16:29 (26 days ago) @ David Turell

Sabine Hossenfelder on why cooperation is ending:

"It’s 2025 and the tide is turning on climate change. To me it looks like this will be the year when we’ll stop trying to prevent it from happening and instead focus on adapting to it.


"The likely reason fossil fuel companies are abandoning climate goals is that they expect demand to increase. Many multinational companies including Gucci, Nestlé, and Easyjet, have downgraded their ambitions to reduce carbon emissions. It’s not hard to guess why: Carbon neutrality isn’t helping their business.


"The trend away from carbon neutrality is obvious, but it’s not just driven by financial incentives. Increasingly, it is driven by the race for artificial superintelligence. We’ve heard a lot about how energetically expensive AI training is, so much so that some guys in Silicon Valley have predicted they’ll build a 100 GigaWatt gas plant to power their superhuman intelligence.


"You might think that Trump's new buddy Elon Musk could help him see the light. Alas, Musk has declared that “Climate change risk is real, just much slower than alarmists claim.” And that is true in the sense that if you’re a billionaire it will take much longer until you feel the consequences. (my bold)

"Musk has also voiced his support for the German Alternative fur Deutschland, AfD, a party which currently ranks second in polls for the federal election that’s coming up at the end of February. The AfD wants to get out of all climate agreements, and dig, baby, dig for coal.

"In its official 2025 party program the AfD writes that “Climate change has always happened […] The question of how large the human contribution is has not been scientifically settled.” Yes, it’s 2025 and we still have climate change deniers in the government.

"But it won’t make a big difference either way. As we discussed in an earlier episode, most countries' net zero “plans” are empty words anyway. They’re economically unachievable. It’s only a matter of time until they’ll be abandoned and no amount of suing by climate activists is going to do anything about this. Because there is no institution on this planet that could enforce a law against billions of people unable or just unwilling to change their lifestyle. Unless the superintelligent AIs take over. Maybe that wouldn’t be so bad."

Comment: note the bold. I agree with Musk. What I didn't quote is the large lists of companies abandoning their carbon programs. Ignore the folks still panicky.

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