God (The atheist delusion)

by dhw, Thursday, June 26, 2008, 17:32 (5782 days ago) @ BBella

BBella writes: "Once I began to create my own big T [Truth], it was like the pressure was off and my view, and the way I saw the whole world, changed. Of course I could be delusional...but I like it...which I guess is all that matters really. An aside: I am not harming myself or anyone in the process of my delusion." - Welcome to the group, and thanks for this breath of fresh air. Everybody's version of the truth could be delusional, and you seem to have found as good a solution as any: do what suits you, provided you don't do any harm while you're about it. Personally, I'd like to add: do some good too. What would interest me is to know what sort of big T you're developing (you say it's still in the works): theist, atheist, agnostic ... or, since the pressure is off, happy to leave such questions out of the equation and just to get on with living? (No obligation to answer, of course.) - I've probably been unfair to NDW, but there was another section on his website saying how everybody should tell the truth and that would somehow save the world. A) It wouldn't, b) it'll never happen, and c) just try it out on the people you work for. This sort of thinking turns me off. All credit to him, though, if he's brought hope and enlightenment to people. That's a darn sight more than most of us can claim. - Thanks for the reference to Holographic Universe. I'll add it to the list.

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