Back in school (Introduction)

by dhw, Thursday, October 04, 2018, 11:09 (2043 days ago) @ David Turell

Tony: I may be a little slow in responding for the next few months. I am back in school for the year working on some new certifications. There goes what little free time I had. I will still be posting regularly, just perhaps not quite as active as I've been recently.

DAVID: I am really proud of you plugging away in school again. I was really sick of training with 13 years after high school, finally getting out into the working world using my knowledge. Hope you will have some time to continue your thoughtful posts.

Tony, thank you for telling us. I echo David’s response. It’s a privilege to be able to discuss these deep matters with you, and despite all our disagreements, it warms my heart to have you with us on our journey into the unknown and unknowable. (There speaks the agnostic.) At least what you study at school should be more clear-cut, and I’m sure you’ll come up with all the “truths” necessary for those certificates!


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