Evolutionary Catechism (Evolution)

by David Turell @, Wednesday, January 13, 2010, 15:34 (5239 days ago) @ dhw

> 1) Do I believe that all life is descended from one form (or a few forms)?
> (If so, there must be a line from those early forms to all species, including ourselves.)-A few forms. I believe in convergence (Conway Morris)
> 2) If the answer to 1) is yes, do I believe that the line from early forms to ourselves has been gradual and continuous, or a "punctuated equilibrium"?-Punctuated equilibrium. that is what the fossil record says.
>3) Do I believe that all complex organs have come into existence through random
 mutations followed by successive modifications?-Mutations play a role, but the major organs are developed following a pre-arranged plan in DNA-
> 4) Do I believe that organisms can be changed by their environment?-No question. Yes->
> 5) Do I believe that natural selection results in the preservation and improvement of advantageous characteristics? -Yes
> 6) Do I believe that natural selection gives rise to new species? -No. Only variations in existing species.-
> 7) Do I believe that the gaps in the fossil record are caused by "the extreme imperfection of the geological record" (Darwin) or by imperfections in Darwin's theory? -Yes, there are large gaps. Darwin's theory does not create gaps, as a question seems to imply. What Darwinists do is create just-so stories to fill the gaps by their theory. Gaps are an unknown territory and should be left vacuous until intermediate forms are discovered, if they exist at all. We still have puctuated equilibrium and saltation to rely on.

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