Origin of Life (Pt2) (Introduction)

by BBella @, Thursday, December 31, 2009, 09:30 (5237 days ago) @ xeno6696

What drives me in this search? The ancient drive for truth. If I hold one virtue dear, it is that I hold truth above all else--in as many things as possible. Nietzsche once wrote that a man should only try to master one virtue, and the one that I had chosen well before that was truth. -
I had to finally give up the pursuit of truth (the big T) not that many years ago and replace it with trust as my one virtue to master. It has already paid off many times over...something truth never did. Truth is fine when you are young and have the belief "it's out there"...but eventually it wears you down and you have to replace it for something more suited for your speed.-bb

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