Finals Week is now Complete, and an Apology (Introduction)

by dhw, Sunday, December 20, 2009, 13:27 (5248 days ago) @ xeno6696

First and foremost, congratulations to Matt on accomplishing all the important goals ... a good internship and acceptance to Grad School. Fingers crossed now for the permanent position.-Secondly, as far as I'm concerned, there is absolutely nothing for you to apologize for! The more ideas and theories you come up with, the more there is for us all to think about. There are in fact far more grounds for me to apologize to you because I'm not able to think on your mathematical wavelength. I just hope my subjective responses may still be useful, which is all that any of us can offer ... to consider ideas, test them, and exchange our observations, experiences and arguments. I must confess, though, that I do worry sometimes that the process may "alienate", as you've put it. I know that's not your intention, and it's not mine either, but I fear that sometimes my scepticism may have precisely that effect, for instance on your friend Frank. It's always a difficult balance between questioning what appear to be flaws in an argument and at the same time remaining open to the truths that may be contained in that argument. I'll keep trying, and I really appreciate the fact that you are doing the same.

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