Play Trap the Atheist (The atheist delusion)

by David Turell @, Tuesday, July 04, 2017, 23:58 (2486 days ago) @ John Kalber

reblak Crazy Cosmology

The appointment of atheist Sir Fred Hoyle as both President and Astronomer Royal was bitterly resented by its leading figures.

It was my impression that Hoyle was more of an agnostic by he end of his life, considering his 747 made from a junkyard comment.

reblak: This exclusive property of redshift was disproved in favour of a new principle of Nature, by Halton Arp, a leading astronomer who was a 20-year employee at the Palomar Telescope and protégé of Edwin Hubble. By showing that redshift was associated not with speed but with the formation of two newer galaxies that are in fairly close mutual proximity, it was a clear contradiction of the official NASA doctrine.

NASA was enraged at his ‘presumption’ and so pressured his employer that he was fired from his prestigious role at the Palomar Telescope. Seeking work, he was blackballed and effectively hounded out of the USA! He was finally engaged by the Planck Institute in Germany. A wretched and disgraceful demagoguery to sustain what is only an idea! The single critical assumption - that spawns many others - is that 'redshift' proves that the Universe is expanding at fantastic speed. This has long been a matter of heated dispute.

I have no background in cosmology or astronomy, but have followed the crowd with books and articles I've read. I know the super nova research on expansion of the universe. I find that Arp is heatedly disputed:

"Su Min Tang and Shuang Nan Zhang did a careful statistical analysis of SDSS data to look for the effects of periodic redshifts in quasars, and for correlations between quasars and galaxies. In other words, they took the predictions of Arp and his followers seriously, at least for purposes of performing the analysis. I've already stated the result above: no effects observed. Here is one of their "money" plots, Figure 7 from that paper:

"The circles here are the data from the sky survey. The various lines are the results of simulations, with the error bars on the lines showing the scatter in the simulations. The solid line is the only one that's consistent with the data throughout the whole range. The various dashed lines are simulations that would result of quasars were ejected from galaxies at various different velocities.

"Reference to Arp's work is also part of the larger net-crank alternate astronomy theory, "plasma cosmology" (and the even more cranky, if that were possible, "electric universe" notion, as well as modern day followers of Velikovsky). That this lynchpin has been completely debunked should hopefully help you conclude that plasma cosmology isn't anything that should be taken seriously."

Comment: I'll stick with the crowd.

reblak: It is in flouting this rule that establishment cosmology has erred so significantly. You simply cannot (reasonably) announce that ‘now we know’ that these ‘rules’ exist simply because they seem necessary to support your theory. What you must do – consistently – is make it clear that what you propose is not yet confirmed as fact.

In flouting rules of evidence to proclaim the a multiverse must exist to explain fine tuning is something is one of the biggest examples of your point.

reblak: This redshift ‘idea’ has never been proved, simply employed as if it had been.

Like the Doppler effect, it seems reasonable to me.

reblak: I feel I should here remind you that unspoken Royal Society ideology defends and honours a religious bent in its outlook. This heritage has left a (perhaps unconscious) need to allow for some external influence guiding its 'official' outlook, such as: "There must be some sort of guiding intelligence somewhere in the Universe."

There is and I have found it! See my post on ‘Evolution’.

I've given an opinion today. I agree there is no way chance is possibl the cause for the origin of life, and can expand on the biochemical problems if you wish. It definitely requires design, and must have a designer.

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