Start Reading The Bible And Pray (Introduction)

by dhw, Saturday, February 21, 2009, 11:53 (5550 days ago) @ Mattie

Mattie has, in my view quite rightly, pointed out to Joseph Liebowitz that the Holocaust had nothing to do with religion or lack of it, and that atrocities have been committed by people of all persuasions. - However, Mattie also says that this is a site for agnostics, not atheists and not religious zealots. I would prefer to regard it as a site for open discussion, and I personally have derived immense benefit from the exchanges with the atheist George, the Christian Mark, the panentheist David, and a number of others who have put their arguments rationally and politely. For me it's a hallmark of agnosticism to be open-minded and to consider all points of view, so I welcome the diversity. But I am with you in rejecting the aggression, intolerance and downright rudeness that we have seen from certain fundamentalists.

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