The difference of Man (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Wednesday, February 13, 2013, 21:36 (4097 days ago)

We are not great apes:-"The implications of splitting humans from great apes taxonomically would be beneficial. Conceptually it would allow researchers to better understand the hominid/ape divergence and the key differences between humans and great apes today. But perhaps more importantly, splitting humans from the great apes allows us to reconceptualize our own humanity. We are not the great apes; we are humans. The great apes are our closest extant relatives, and it is incredibly important to study, protect, and conserve them. However, we can't use their title as closest extant relatives as a strategic rhetorical device to emphasize similarity."- bodies are related, our brains are not. We have imagination, they do not. Adler made the point almost 60 years ago.

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