Panpsychism (Evolution)

by David Turell @, Wednesday, December 19, 2012, 05:52 (4155 days ago) @ romansh

rom: Information is stored in a book as well. A switched off computer remembers information too after being switched off.-The book analogy is a non-answer. There is no proof a brain acts like a man-made computer. Alexander's brain was subjected to a severe form of meningo-encephalitis. Several forms of test showed that his cerebrum was entirely non-fuctional for about a week. It is Alexander's opinion that it did not function and could not have functioned during the week when the memories of his NDE were recorded. But where was that recording?...not in his cerebrum.-
> rom:. Scientists (and doctors) can only study objects after energy has been exchanged between the object and the subject. -Or observe a lack of energy if nothing is received from the cerebrum as in Alexander's case. -Dennett is as noted as Antony Flew was. So I wonder what his philosophic opinion is worth. Philosophy is all opinion. I prefer the very broad inclusive atheistic philosophic approach of Ed Feser and Raymond Tallis to the obvious bias of Dennett. But that is my opinion.

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