Feed back loops (Introduction)
C. Elegans with 302 neurons has feed back loops. It is important for all non-biologists to understand feed back loops. This is the way life controls its processes. There are neural loops, as in this aticle. There are chemical loops such as the Krebs Cycle for carbohydrate metabolism; there are hormonal loops between the pituitary and the other homonal glands. For example, TSH from the pituitary drives the thyroid to produce T4, if the level of T3 (the active form in the blood) is too low. This is why Robert Shapiro suggested simple chemical loops as a start to life. It simplifies control of the process. It is why the RNA world folks are nuts. Why too complex as a jump start for life. Life's processes are nothing but loops.-http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/05/120516120258.htm
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