Other Forms of Life (Evolution)

by David Turell @, Tuesday, December 09, 2008, 21:13 (5661 days ago) @ George Jelliss
edited by unknown, Tuesday, December 09, 2008, 21:22

On the contrary. Life on Earth is known to have existed for some four billion years. Before that there is no known life, only non-living material (though that would include 'organic' molecules, e.g. involving long chains of carbon atoms). This is evidence that life DID come from non-living materials. If not what else could it have come from? We know that all existing life forms depend on carbon-chain chemistry. - Agreed, except based on the chemistry of meteorites, only small organic molecules are found, not long chains. Some amino acids, more than 70 in the Murchison meteorite, some polyols (related to sugar), and a variety of other relatively small molecules, most interesting to me "Fullerines", balls shaped from 6-carbon atom benzenes like Buckminster Fuller's geodesic domes. The users of 'abiogenesis' prefer to say 'life' came by chance. It also could have been directed.

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