Farting dinosaurs (Evolution)

by dhw, Sunday, May 06, 2012, 14:34 (4392 days ago)

Another article in today's Sunday Times reports on research by Professor Graeme Ruxton (St Andrews U.) and David Wilkinson (Liverpool John Moores U.) which suggests that dinosaurs may have contributed to their own extinction by burping and farting such quantities of methane that they caused disastrous global warming. The article concludes that "the implications for the human race are obvious" ... which doesn't augur well for the baked beans industry. -Until now, an asteroid strike and volcanic activity 65 m years ago were the "hot" favourites, but both scenarios make me wonder how they can be made to fit in with theistic pre-planning. I much prefer the thought of God saying: "Ugh, I can't stand this pong any more!" and chucking his asteroid at a herd of sauropods.

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