If thou art not mine friend... (Evolution)

by xeno6696 @, Sonoran Desert, Tuesday, April 24, 2012, 03:33 (4404 days ago) @ Balance_Maintained

> The truth came out, sure, but not at the hands of science.. The scientist were covering it up, until someone leaked emails.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hueyatlaco
> The archaeologist I mentioned a week or so back..
> There are two there, you only asked for one, and I have finals this week so not a lot of time to go digging for more at the moment.
> And the person that wrote that book is pulling numbers out of his rear end. Saying that the majority of ID proponents are pushing some political agenda is no different than saying the majority of Evolutionist are pushing a political agenda. I for one certainly have no aims for politics, or organized religion for that matter, and neither do ANY of the people that I know and regularly discuss these topics with. Not a single one. Perhaps the author is the one with the agenda.-I never said "the process" was limited to dusty PHD's in the ivory tower. -Evidence is evidence, and the truth always comes out on top. -As for your short response to ID as political theatre:-Every single "scientist" that has written papers in support of ID, (Behe, Dembski, several others) has done so under the umbrella of an organization called the CRI.-"Creation Research Institute." -The Institute exists to promote and extend a culture of evangelical protestantism centering American society upon God.-The goal from beginning and end is to transform American society from one that is secular and plural to one that is Christian and monist. I'd sooner join the Neo-Nazi marches on Schaumberg. -It has nothing to do with science, and if you sincerely think that its principles are ones that we should uphold, than you just declared yourself an enemy of mine. I may be Buddhist, but peace and honor do not lie at the end of religious monism. If you really support the CRI, I don't think much constructive discussion can happen between the two of us. -I will reiterate that the ID movement as espoused by the CRI is antithetical to the type of thinking espoused in David's book. David's book attempts to bring into the the world a scientifically sane approach, and while I don't agree that there is enough basis to make a decision, he isn't writing what he's writing to push some nazi-esque agenda. He makes an argument for design that is far superior to Behe or Dembski in that he completely abandons the generally idiotic ideas of our ancestors. (Even if I don't agree with his notion of panentheism.)-[EDIT]-Point me to which internationally recognized science organization that puts its focus on creating a "culture." -NIST? NIH? NASA? -None of those organizations push or espouse a culture upon the country in the same way that ID authors do. THis is where the difference lies. -You're a smart man, read between the lines!

\"Why is it, Master, that ascetics fight with ascetics?\"

\"It is, brahmin, because of attachment to views, adherence to views, fixation on views, addiction to views, obsession with views, holding firmly to views that ascetics fight with ascetics.\"

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