The Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve (Evolution)

by Balance_Maintained @, U.S.A., Wednesday, April 11, 2012, 00:15 (4418 days ago) @ David Turell

David: As for the RLN, development of a prolonged neck in evolution with the RLN looped around blood vessels, dragged the loop bigger and longer. It still works just as well, and in the discussions about God's designs, one must remember that useful design is not always artisically beautiful design, as perceived by the disconnected onlooker. Again, the inside-out, upside-down and backward human retina can see one photon! Why? The design allows for high blood flow and very high nutrition. I think Dawkins probably knows this, but won't ever discuss these designs rationally. It will damage his position.-It is rare that I find a particular line item that refreshes and restores my faith in design, but this was certainly one of them. There were certain points that I took from the article, and one of the other articles that it linked to that were especially potent. First, this was not something that could have just evolved. Through chance mutation. The changes, such as the pathing to and around the various organs had to have occurred all at the exact same time in order to work. Primarily because a) the nerve bundle must elongate during gestation of the fetus, b) because each and every organ, plus the supporting elements of those organs like the RLN must function at every stage of embryonic development, and C) because changes would have had to have occured to, not only the nerve, but all of the organs it supports at the same time, in order for evolution to have been able to make it work. Thank you for sharing this link with us Bella.

What is the purpose of living? How about, 'to reduce needless suffering. It seems to me to be a worthy purpose.

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