Why is there anytthing at all? (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Thursday, October 02, 2008, 01:35 (5704 days ago) @ George Jelliss

I think David and Carl are confusing hypotheses and speculative theories with soundly established scientific knowledge. At the very frontiers of particle physics and cosmology there are of course conflicting and competing ideas. That's just how it should be. But the basics of the structure of matter and the expansion of the universe are not in dispute, except among way-out eccentrics, conspiracy theorists and religious fundamentalists. - I'm not confused George. I think you are not doing enough basic reading. The structure of matter and expansion of the universe are not in dispute, but the rate of advance in cosmologic physics as shown by the books I quoted and the hairbrained suppositions I've been seeing ( note Magueijo's quote) indicate that the theoreticql folks are just milling about in some confusion and have done so for a number of years. As I believe you have stated I hope the LHC finds the Higgs boson so everyting can move on. For example of weird ideas, Steinhardt and Turok who proposed in 2002 that our universe was a giant membrane with a dark companion membrane infinitesimally close to it and every billions of years they bang togeather and we have a new big Bang. I never saw a supporting followup.

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